SriRam Soft Solutions is a professional web design and development company in Delhi, India.

Domain Registration

The domain is your first step to the internet. A domain name is your unique name on the World Wide Web. Each site on the web is identified by a unique address or domain name. There are a number of domain choices available, the most common being '.com'

The other popularly used domains are '.net' and '.org'. You also have choice of registering your country specific domians like '' or '' for India. We offer domain registration or assistance for the customer to register any of the known local or international domain names.

Domain name registration is the process by which a company or individual can register a website name or URL, such as Domain registration is done for a specified period like 1 to 10 years and once you have completed domain registration the domain becomes yours for the period of the contract. Now once this time period is going to be over, Before registration expires it must be renewed, If any company or individual does not renew its, it will be put on hold for some time by the domain registrar. Even if the domain is not renewed during this period, your registered domain will be available to the general public.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages the international Domain Name Server (DNS) database. ICANN insures that all registered names are unique and map properly to a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address. The IP address is the numerical address of the website that tells other computers on the Internet where to find the server host and domain.

During the domain registration process, you will be required to give contact information that will be publicly available through the WHOIS database. If any user does not want to show his/her information in who. Is then he can go for Private registration by paying extra to the registrar. Anyone can go to a WHOIS search engine and enter a domain name to see who has registered it but in case of private registration contact will not be made public.